Collection: Cosmetic Tool Cleansers
Cosmetic Tool Cleansers
Irish spring original clean bar soap
Smell like you came from a nice-smelling place with Irish Spring Bar Soap. Count on Irish Spring Original Clean Bar...
KSh190.00KSh190.00KSh190.0027 in stock -
Aveeno daily moisturizing intensely nourishes dry skin lotion - fragrance free, 591 ml
Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion with Prebiotic Oat formula intensely nourishes dry skin. Formulated with a soothing prebiotic oat, the...
KSh2,350.00KSh2,350.00KSh2,350.00Only 4 units left -
Adidas shower gel - 400 ml
Adidas Pure Game Relaxing 3-In-1 Shower Gel 400ml offers an easy and effective personal care solution, for anyone with a...
KSh1,399.00KSh1,399.00KSh1,399.00Only 2 units left
Featured collection
Medelvag bottle brush white
KSh995.00KSh995.00KSh995.0019 in stockSkogsror napkin holder
KSh995.00KSh995.00KSh995.0018 in stock -
Lillnaggen squeegee
KSh995.00KSh995.00KSh995.0016 in stockBlack napkin holder
KSh1,650.00KSh1,650.00KSh1,650.00Only 10 units left -
Tide pods ultra oxi odor eliminator - 18 pacs
KSh2,450.00KSh2,450.00KSh2,450.0016 in stockDowny rinse & refresh - cool cotton - 754 ml
KSh1,650.00KSh1,650.00KSh1,650.00Only 9 units left -
Houseful egg holder - 14 count
KSh1,499.00KSh1,499.00KSh1,499.00Only 2 units leftMember's mark led solar pathway lights - 4 pack
KSh7,250.00KSh7,250.00KSh7,250.00Only 4 units left -
Tide -last 4 + months, 4.31 l
KSh4,650.00KSh4,650.00KSh4,650.00Only -1 units left